About Uploads / Sobre Subidas

Every day publish a new upload, so be sure to visit MagicTrickWorld! If you want to download as premium user, visit the section of PREMIUM LINK GENERATOR!
Todos los días se publicará una subida nueva, asique no dejen de visitar MagicTrickWorld! Si quieres bajar como usuario premium, visita el apartado de CUENTAS PREMIUM!

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Daryl - 3 Fly III

LANG: English.

New Survey / Nueva Encuesta!

Created a survey to determine which host to use preferably in my uploads, please don't forget to vote!
Creada una encuesta para determinar que host usar preferentemente en mis subidas, por favor, no dejen de votar!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Enabled Comments / Comentarios Abiertos

Enabled comments for everybody, so, any inconvenience, please, write it in the post!
Soon new uploads, so do not forget to visit the blog, in this blog I'll publish my uploads before anywhere else!
Se han habilitado los comentarios, asique cualquier duda o consulta dejarla en el post correspondiente!
Pronto publicaré mas subidas, asique no dejen de visitar el blog, donde se publicaran todos mis aportes antes que en cualquier otro foro!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Stars of magic Volume 6 - Eric Decamps

LANG: English.

Shane Black - Sweetly Done

LANG: English.

Hayashi - Matrix Trilogy

LANG: English.

Gregory Wilson's - Pip Streak

LANG: English.

Fred Berthelot - Changeabill

LANG: English.

Fred Berthelot is an outstanding magician from New York City. This DVD is Fred's first exposure to many magicians but you'll be delighted with his methods. They are diabolical, practical and easy to do.
Changeabill is a killer. It's skill based, so no gaffs are necessary. Once you learn the method you're always ready. All you need are two bills!
Changeabill is a complete routine by itself but Fred's creation lends itself as an add-on to many magic applications. It's the perfect switch for your favorite Bill To Lemon routine. If you perform any of the multiple bill changes such as 3-D Cash or the Hundy 500, Changeabill is the perfect "out" for when an audience member wants you to change their one dollar bill into a one hundred dollar bill.
But wait...there's more. Fred goes into incredible detail during the step by step instructions. You'll soon see why Changeabill is so practical. You can do it standing up, or you can do it seated.

David Stone - Real Secrets Of David Stone

LANG: English.

David Stone - Live in Boston

LANG: English.
Lecture notes' s Gag
Splash Bottle
Bottle Production from a silk
The kangaroo Coin
One coin routine
Eurêka Koin
Light my fire
Moorera Straw
William card trick

David Stone - Basic Coin Magic 2

LANG: English.